MUTOPIA — the legend of R.O.M.

MUTOPIA — the legend of R.O.M. • ein Film von Dsu Ranger, Berlin / Lublin / Basel, 2019, E/d,f,s.


"What if computers start to know us better than we do?"

MUTOPIA tells the story of filmmaker Sam, and how he regains his memories of the real world through the help of the computer. But as memory is getting lost who would remember the true story?

MUTOPIA outlines an accurrate futuristic world, which we can only understand with the help of our own memories! By turns grotesk, surprising and absurd, MUTOPIA is an inspiring modern-day fairytale - in a unique comic anoimation look.

The specially developed visual effect provides a unique visual dimension and transforms real world actors into comic-like fiction characters in a fantastic dream world.

Immerse yourself in the world of MUTOPIA - a most spontaneous film about logic and infinity, a fascinating study of society, technology, intelligence, creativity and incompetence.

#artificialintelligence #epidemicamnesia #observersyndrome #notanormalmovie #attentionmemo #moderndayfairytale #videopoetry #dsu ranger #kinokabaret #dsuranger #lumaufilms #dsuproduction #lubię lublin #stare miasto #autumn leaves #Bugs MC

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